【摘 要】
Dear American professor, Look at the title; doesn’t it sound crazy, or at least frustrating to languagelearners like me? But it is no baseless threat or warni
Dear American professor, Look at the title; doesn’t it sound crazy, or at least frustrating to languagelearners like me? But it is no baseless threat or warning, rather, a derivation fromthe following facts. According to a yearly report issued by the US Ministry ofEducation in the year 1995, the reading comprehension ability of the students inthe US is dropping from bad to worse. Studies showed that 41% of the fourth
Dear American professor, Look at the title; doesn’t it sound crazy, or at least frustrating to language learnrs like me? But it is no baseless threat or warning, rather, a derivation from the following facts. According to a yearly report issued by the US Ministry of Education in the year 1995, the reading comprehension ability of the students in the US is dropped from bad to worse. Studies showed that 41% of the fourth
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项目简介: 人造炭厂是用农林剩余物(农林产品垃圾)为原料,经加工使之为新能源——机制木炭。本项目投资少,见效快,变废为宝,很适合广大农村、林区和农林产品加工厂的第三产业
在这一期中我首先要给大家介绍两个和竞选有关的俗语,它们都与swing(摇摆)这个词有关。首先要给大家介绍的一个俗语是Swing voter大多数选民一般来说总是忠于自己所属的政党