《水利水电工程项目建议书编制暂行规定》(以下简称《暂行规定》)已于1996年12月以水利部[1996]608号文颁布施行。现将《暂行规定》的编制情况和我们在编制工作中的一些体会综述如下:1 任务来源和编制目的项目建议书是我国经济体制改革和经济建设过程中产生的新生事物。自1984年起,国家计委就正式规定基本建设程序中包括项目建议书阶段,基本建设项目立项要编报“项
The Interim Provisions on the Preparation of Proposals for Water Conservancy and Hydropower Projects (“Interim Provisions”) were promulgated by the Ministry of Water Resources [1996] No. 608 in December 1996. The preparation of the “Interim Provisions” and some of our experiences in compiling the work are summarized as follows: 1. The sources of the tasks and the preparation of the objectives The project proposals are the new things that have arisen during the process of economic restructuring and economic construction in our country. Since 1984, the State Development Planning Commission has formally stipulated that the capital construction project should include the project proposal stage and the capital construction project must be prepared for the project