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  会展中心总经理Trevor McCartney表示,“我们对承办这一国际知名的国际活动感到非常兴奋,并很高兴能够在在竞标中击败全球各地的城市场馆,赢得承办权。由此说来,安曼在作为一个商务活动目的地方面跟吉隆坡和巴黎等城市齐名了。”
  Oman wins the bid to host The World Cancer Congress in 2020
  The Oman Cancer Association announces that Muscat has been selected to host the World Cancer Congress (WCC) in 2020. The World Cancer Congress is a major international cancer control forum which convenes up to 4,000 renowned cancer and health professionals. Held every two years, the Congress is hosted by a local member of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), and for the first time since the event’s inception in 1933, it will take place in the Arabian Gulf.
  Trevor McCartney, General Manager of OCEC, stated, “We are very excited to host such a renowned international event at the Oman Conference Convention & Exhibition Centre, winning against other international cities and venues. We now join the ranks of well-established Business Events destinations such as Kuala Lumpur and Paris in the list of host cities for the WCC.”
  总部位于法国的活动主办与场馆管理巨头智奥会展集团日前宣布,公司在2016年的展览业务总收入为1.45亿欧元,比2014年的基准值大幅增长,增长率达到5.9%。公司在这一年尤其成功的是巴黎工业展、CFIA、Piscine Global以及Première Vision展会在法国本土与国际市场的进一步扩张。另一方面,集团旗下的场馆运营业务总收入为3.07亿欧元,较2014年增长15%。如此骄人的业绩再度巩固了集团会展业务持续增长的策略地位。
  GL events achieved sustained growth
  GL events has closed the year in its divisions Exhibitions and Venues on a high note: GL events Exhibitions, with a revenue of €145.0 million and current operating income of €13.5 million, had an operating margin of 9.3%, a significant increase from the benchmark year of 2014 (5.9%). This improvement was largely driven by the edition of Industrie Paris, the CFIA, Piscine Global, Equita and business development by Première Vision (France and international markets). Meanwhile, GL events Venues had a revenue of €307.6 million, equalling a growth of 15% in relation to 2014, and current operating income up 73% from 2015 and doubling in relation to 2014. On that basis, GL events confirms the strategic position of this business for sustained growth.
  在2017年汉诺威国际机床工具展(EMO Hannover 2017)将于9月18-23日在德国汉诺威举行。暂别4年之后,这一世界首屈一指的金属加工展会再次在汉诺威举行,并以“互联系统促进智能生产”为主题。
  EMO Hannover 2017: the industrial innovation hub
  Organized by The German Machine Tool Builders’ Association ( VDW ), EMO Hannover 2017 will again be held in Hannover, Germany from 18 to 23 September this year, under the motto “Connecting systems for intelligent production”.
  Six months before the fair begins, the EMO Hannover 2017 is on course for record figures: around 2,000 firms from 42 different countries on more than 160,000 square metres of net exhibition space have so far registered for the event.
坐落于希腊雅典的中央大厅国际会议中心(MAICC)是欧洲最精良以及设备最先进的会议中心之一,总面积为143000平米,共有18个会议室、宽阔的展厅和大堂。  中央大厅国际会议中心是雅典的地标式建筑,处在雅典这座充满活力的举办过2004年奥运会的现代化都市的市中心。会议中心隶属于雅典音乐厅组织的物业之一,从1991年开业以来就屡获赞誉。该组织由希腊文化与体育部、财政部管辖,是一个非营利组织。  会议
产业集成——连接与协作  2018年4月23-27日,全球领先的工业技术盛会汉诺威工业博览会(HANNOVER MESSE)和世界领先的供应链管理和物流展会汉诺威国际物流展(CeMAT)在德国汉诺威成功举办。4月27日,德国汉诺威工业博览会管理委员会主席Jochen K?ckler博士在HANNOVER MESSE和CeMAT结束时表示,“技术不仅在人类的竞争中发挥着重要作用,也为人类提供了很大的
– UFI’s Global Barometer shows that 44% of companies in the exhibition industry increased their operating profit in 2017 and more than 70% of companies anticipate revenue growth for 2018  – Importance
The Megaron Athens International Conference Centre (MAICC) is one of the finest and most technologically advanced conference centres in Europe with a total offering of 143,000 square meters, a choice
According to the Statistical Analysis Report on the Development of the Chinese Exhibition Industry 2017, released in May 2018 by the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, the scale of China’s exhibition indus
In a recent national exhibition creative competition, students who major in the MICE industry from across China competed for exhibition creative concepts and display designs. Most of the students were
A continuous expansion of the exhibition  In 2017, the exhibition business of Informa Exhibitions continued to develop in all parts of the world, especially healthcare, electricity, new energy, health
6月7日是由UFI等机构发起的第二届“全球展览日”。该活动旨在凸显展览在推动经济发展的巨大作用。今年展览日活动集中关注展览行业的人事方面,传达出“展览行业是职业生涯的完美选择”这一核心信息。在6月7日当天,作为活动的主要协调机构,UFI收到了在全球75个国家和地区的主办方、场馆和服务商等展览机构所举办活动的情况。  UFI执行总经理兼首席执行官贺庭凯表示,“我尤其高兴看到业界领袖和年轻人才的参与。
5月10日,国际展览业协会宣布,推举约翰内斯堡博览中心首席执行官Craig Newman为2019年度UFI总裁。该结果是在UFI欧洲峰会期间的董事局会议作出的决定。自此,UFI的总裁三人团是:米兰展览公司Corrado Peraboni(2017-2018任期)、Craig Newman(2018-2019任期),以及汉诺威米兰董事局成员Andreas Gruchow(2016-2017任期)。
The 8th IEIA Open Seminar was held from 9-11 May 2018 at HITEX Exhibition Center, Hyderabad, bringing together Global Exhibition Industry leaders from over 30 countries. China International Conference