文社是组织松散的文学社团。从宣南诗会到后期南社 ,近代绝大多数文社都属于消闲性质 ,其成员以传统的文学样式抒发旧式文人的闲情逸致。日据时期的台湾诗社一度畸形繁荣 ,但也逐渐走向消闲。近代文社所体现的 ,不仅是文人与文学的惰性 ,而且是传统文化的惰性 ,这就使旧式文社逐渐沦为与历史发展相悖的文化形态 ,与旧文学一起走向终结 ,以致在五四大潮中迅速被洋溢着青春朝气的新式文社所取代 ,中国文社史也由此揭开了新的一页。
The community is a loosely organized literary community. From the Xuannan Poetry Association to the later Nanshe, most of the modern literary societies belong to the leisure nature, and their members express the free time and ease of the old literati in the traditional literary style. During the period of Japanese occupation, the poetry community in Taiwan once deformed and prospered, but gradually moved to leisure. The modern literary society embodies not only the inertia of the literati and literature, but also the inertia of the traditional culture, which gradually degenerates the old literary society into a cultural form contrary to the historical development and ends with the old literature. As a result, The tide was rapidly replaced by a new style of literary society filled with youthful vigor and thence to a new chapter in the history of Chinese literature and society.