
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinxinxiangrong1
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世界上已有很多国家将马铃薯定为主粮,2015年我国农业部将马铃薯主粮化工作列入重要议程。我国已启动马铃薯主粮化战略,马铃薯成为稻米、小麦、玉米外又一主粮。预计2020年50%以上的马铃薯将作为主粮消费。马铃薯农药的研发及使用直接影响着马铃薯的产量及品质。本文将近几年全球马铃薯农药市场情况做一比较,以期为我国马铃薯农药的研发及销售提供市场数据基础。一、全球马铃薯农药市场概述2015年全球用于马铃薯的农药销售额为15.67亿美元,占全球农药销售额的3.1%,比2014年下降7.9%, Many countries in the world have set potato as the staple food. In 2015, the Ministry of Agriculture of our country included in the major agenda of staple food-processing of potato. China has started the main food-based potato strategy, the potato has become rice, wheat, corn and another staple food. It is estimated that over 50% of potato will be consumed as staple food by 2020. The development and use of potato pesticides directly affects the yield and quality of potatoes. In this paper, the global potato pesticide market in recent years to make a comparison, with a view to China’s potato pesticide research and development and sales to provide market data. I. Overview of the global potato pesticide market The global sales of pesticides for potatoes in 2015 were US $ 1,567 million, accounting for 3.1% of the global sales of pesticides and a decrease of 7.9% over 2014,
入世十年:开放没有回头路  中国迎来了加入世贸组织十周年。十年来的实践表明,中国和世界,都受惠于此。正是加入世贸组织,中国廉价的劳动力和规模化的加工模式优势才显现出来,并使中国成为全球制造的最大基地。10年之后,市场经济的理念已经深入人心,市场已经成为中国经济领域资源配置的最基础的方式。  这10年,中国国内生产总值从2001年11万亿元人民币增至2010年近40万亿元人民币,世界排名由第6位跃升