
来源 :农民致富之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhyoua
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大豆是我县栽培的主要油料作物,大豆食心虫的为害是影响大豆产量及品质的主要因素之一,在我县有大豆栽培的区域均有大豆食心虫发生。通过对2014年大豆食心虫中等偏重发生情况原因的计算分析,预计2015年我县大豆食心虫总体上为中等至中等偏重发生,虫源基数高的县(市)将偏重发生。一、大豆食心虫发生量预测预报大豆食心虫,又名大豆蛀荚蛾、豆荚虫等,属鳞翅目,小卷蛾科。它食性单一,寄生植物种类较少,主要为害大豆,是 Soybean is the main oilseed crop cultivated in our county. The damage of soybean borer is one of the main factors affecting the yield and quality of soybean. Soybean borer occurs in the soybean cultivation area in our county. Based on the calculation and analysis of the reasons for the moderate weighting of soybean borer in 2014, it is estimated that the population of soybean borers in our county will generally be medium to moderately weighted in 2015, and the counties (cities) with high base number of insect pests will be preoccupied. First, the occurrence of soybean borer forecast forecast Soybean borer, also known as soybean borer moths, pests and other insects, is a Lepidoptera, the small family of Tortricidae. It is a simple diet, less parasitic plant species, the main damage to soybeans, is