2007年10月9日-10日,AXIS全球媒体大会在丹麦哥本哈根举办,来自全球27个国家100多名记者参加。入秋的哥本哈根已经寒意袭人,而AXIS展现给大家的网络视频监控的热潮,却让所有与会记者激动不已。AXIS以其卓越、先进的网络摄像机闻名全球,它虽然不是规模最大的公司,但绝对是最富生命力的一个公司,很受投资者的关注和期待。《中国安防》作为中国安防行业媒体的代表,应邀对AXIS全球市场副总裁Bodil Sonesson-Gallon女士进行了专访。作为负责销售和市场营销的副总裁,Bodil主管AXIS遍布全球的销售和市场营销机构,包括分布在18个国家的分支机构和在70多个国家的销售渠道。Bodil热情洋溢,有着法国人的愉快浪漫和德国人的严谨专注。她对中国非常熟悉,这几年在中国能经常看到她的身影和她那热情的笑容,只要稍有间隙和机会,她就会跟人请教中文。她很喜欢逛一些商店卖场,每到一个商场,她都会习惯性地观察商场里是否安装了摄像机,装的是模拟的还是网络的,装的是哪个厂家的。这几乎成了一个职业习惯。与Bodil交谈,毫无疑问你会被她洋溢的热情、快乐、专注所感染。
From October 9 to October 10, 2007, AXIS Global Media Conference was held in Copenhagen, Denmark with more than 100 reporters from 27 countries around the world. Autumn in Copenhagen has been chilling, and AXIS to show you the network video surveillance craze, but all the participating reporters excited. AXIS is known around the world for its superior, advanced webcam. Although not the largest company, AXIS is definitely one of the most viable companies, attracting investors’ attention and anticipation. As the representative of China’s security industry media, “China Security” was invited to interview Ms. Bodil Sonesson-Gallon, Vice President of AXIS Global Markets. As vice president of sales and marketing, Bodil heads AXIS’s global sales and marketing facilities, including affiliates in 18 countries and sales channels in more than 70 countries. Bodil is passionate, has a pleasant French romance and a German concentration. She is very familiar with China. In recent years, she can often see her figure and her warm smile in China. She will consult Chinese with a little gap and opportunity. She likes to visit some store stores, each to a mall, she will customarily observe the mall whether the installation of the camera, the simulation is installed or network, which is installed which manufacturers. It’s almost a profession. Conversation with Bodil, no doubt you will be her passion filled, happy, focused infection.