目的:总结周围神经刺激器(Peripheral nervestimu lator PNS)用于小儿腋路臂丛神经阻滞的效果。方法:对60例小儿上肢手术应用PNS行腋路臂丛神经阻滞定位效果进行临床评价。结果:60例小儿腋路臂丛神经阻滞定位准确,效果确切,术中无需再用镇痛药,术毕10 m in内患儿清醒,无并发症。结论:臂丛神经阻滞中应用PNS,其定位特异性强,准确率高,阻滞效果好,减少神经损伤、出血及局麻药中毒等并发症,有临床应用价值。
Objective: To summarize the effect of Peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS) on axillary brachial plexus block in children. Methods: Sixty cases of pediatric upper extremity surgery using PNS axillary brachial plexus positioning were evaluated. Results: 60 cases of pediatric axillary brachial plexus block accurate positioning, the exact effect, intraoperative no longer need analgesics, surgery within 10 mins awake children, no complications. Conclusion: The application of PNS in brachial plexus block has strong specificity of positioning, high accuracy, good blocking effect, reducing the complications of nerve injury, hemorrhage and local anesthetic poisoning, and has clinical value.