1994年7月8-9日,国际精神史学会(International Society for Intellectual History)在英国伦敦成立。来自书籍史、文学史、宗教史、政治思想史、艺术与音乐史、哲学史及科学史等领域的32位英、美及欧洲大陆的学者参加了成立大会,经讨论决定设立一个常务委员会来管理学会,由英国的布莱克韦尔教授(Constance Blackwell)进行协调,并由他负责编辑学会的会刊。国际精神史学会成立后很快便发展壮大起来,目前已拥有会员400多人。本文将主要依据该会成立以来所出版的会刊以及由该会主办的一系列学术活动,来探讨当代西方精神史的研究对象、研究方法与研究动态,以期对我国的史学理论建设有所启迪。
July 8-9, 1994, the International Society for Intellectual History (International Society for Intellectual History) was established in London, England. Thirty-two scholars from the fields of book history, literary history, religious history, political and ideological history, arts and music history, philosophy history and history of science took part in the inaugural meeting and decided to set up a standing committee The Institute of Management, coordinated by Constance Blackwell in the United Kingdom, is the editor of the Institute’s journal. International Spiritual History Society soon after its establishment will grow and develop, now has a membership of more than 400 people. This article will mainly discuss the contemporary western spiritual history research object, research methods and research trends based on the published journals and a series of academic activities sponsored by the association, with a view to enlighten our country’s historical theory construction .