豫籼 7号 (930 6 )系信阳农业高等专科学校以“水源 2 90 / 730 2 8”F1为母本 ,梅桂 1号为父本杂交选育而成。 1 996~ 1 998年通过河南省南部稻区水稻良种区域试验、生产试验 ,该品种平均亩产 5 6 4.96kg ,高产试点亩产达 70 4kg。在 1 2项稻米品质指标中 ,有 7项达到部颁优质米一、二级标准。抗稻瘟病 ,中抗白叶枯病 ,适合在豫南中籼稻区中等以上肥力条件下种植
Yu-hsien 7 (930 6) Department of Xinyang College of Agriculture, “Water Source 2 90/730 2 8” F1 as the female parent, Mei Gui 1 as the parent of cross breeding. From 1996 to 1998, it passed the regional trial and production test of rice varieties in the rice planting area of southern Henan Province. The average yield per mu of this variety was 56.496kg, and the high-yielding pilot mu yield reached 704kg. Among the 12 rice quality indicators, 7 reached the ministerial and high-quality rice one or two standards. Blast resistance, resistance to bacterial leaf blight, suitable for middle-lower fertility conditions in medium-indica rice in southern Henan Province