
来源 :美术观察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tobenumberone123
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拉斯金(John Ruskin)说:“伟大的民族以三种手稿撰写自己的传记:行为之书、言辞之书、艺术之书。我们只有阅读了其中两部才能理解它们中的任何一部;但是在这三部书中,唯一值得信赖的便是最后一部。”~([1])绘画作为人类物质和文化发展的见证,展示着人类的历史变迁。西藏布达拉宫无疑是西藏壁画艺术的宝库,其壁画艺术从画面形式到表现内容都异常丰富而独特,它在吸收汉文化及外来文化的基础之上,充分融合本民族的特色,是祖国壁画长廊中闪烁着不同光泽的一颗艺术明珠,成为今天研究西藏历史、民族学、民俗学、宗教和文学艺术等方面不可缺少的宝贵资料。 John Ruskin said: “The great people write their own biographies in three types of manuscripts: the Book of Behavior, the Book of Words, the Book of Art, and we read only two of them to understand any of them ; But the only thing that is trustworthy in these three books is the last. ”~ ([1]) As testimony of the material and cultural development of mankind, painting shows the historical changes of mankind. Potala Palace in Tibet is undoubtedly the treasure house of Tibetan mural art. Its mural art is exceptionally rich and unique from the picture form to the expression content. Based on the absorption of Han culture and foreign culture, the Potala Palace in Tibet fully integrates the characteristics of this nation and is the motherland An art pearl shining with different shimmering colors in the mural promenade has become an indispensable and valuable piece of information for studying Tibet’s history, ethnology, folklore, religion and literature and art today.
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