近20年来,国际上不少人呼吁回归大自然,掀起了层层绿色浪潮。国内外医药界都急切希望从自然植物中寻觅能治疗人类多种疾病既安全又有效的药物。银杏叶制剂的开发就是在上述大背景下兴起的,成为国内外医药科研开发的热点课题。 1 溯源 银杏树俗称白果树,树种古老,树龄较长,有的达千余年或3000年,在1.5亿年前就有了此种树,经过侏罗纪的孑遗植物,历经亿年仍保持其
In the past 20 years, many people in the world have called for a return to nature and set off a wave of green layers. The domestic and foreign medical communities are eager to seek from natural plants to find safe and effective drugs that can treat many human diseases. The development of Ginkgo biloba leaf preparations has arisen under these backgrounds and has become a hot topic for research and development of pharmaceuticals at home and abroad. 1 Traced Ginkgo trees are commonly known as white fruit trees. They are old and have a long age. Some of them lasted for more than a thousand years or 3,000 years. These trees were planted 150 million years ago. After the Jurassic relics, they have remained for many years. its