一、概述 本调查海区处在黄海南部和东海北部,水温的分布和变化主要取决于太阳辐射、气象因素和流系的时空变化。不同的海区和不同的季节,其影响各不相同。 本区表层温度的分布和变化,受气候条件的影响。冬半年调查区处于强大的冬季季风的控制下,冷气流使海面急剧冷却和增盐,并通过蒸发耗散热量,从而导致了海水对流
I. Overview The survey area is located in the southern Yellow Sea and the northern part of the East China Sea. The distribution and changes of water temperature mainly depend on the solar radiation, meteorological factors and temporal and spatial variation of the flow system. Different sea areas and different seasons have different impacts. The surface temperature distribution and changes in this area are affected by the climatic conditions. Under the control of a strong winter monsoon in the winter half-year, the cold-air current drastically cooled the sea surface and increased salt, dissipating heat through evaporation, resulting in seawater convection