托马斯·库恩(Thomas S Kuhn 1922—)是六十年代崛起的美国科学哲学家,他提出的观点,最初系统地见诸于文字的是在1962年出版的《科学革命的结构》一书中。库恩1947年毕业于哈佛大学研究院。他是以物理学家的身份开始其学术生涯的,后来才把注意力转移到科学史方面来,库恩在研究了科学的历史中一些重大的事实之后发现,他从前关于科学的性质的看法是有问题的,于是对那些先入之见发生了动摇。他认识到,传统的科学观,不论是归纳主义的还是证伪主义的,都经不住历史的证据的比较。在这种情况下,库恩企图发现一种更好的科学理论,这种理论应当与他自己所理解的科学历史情况更加符合。他的科学哲学思想及其著述,正是为此而作出的努力的成果。
Thomas S Kuhn (1922-), an American science philosopher who emerged in the 1960s, put forward the view that what was first and systematically presented in the text was in the book The Structure of Science Revolution published in 1962 . Kuhn graduated from Harvard University Institute in 1947. He began his academic career as a physicist and later shifted his attention to the history of science. After studying some major facts in the history of science, Kuhn found that his previous views on the nature of science There are problems, and the preconceptions have shaken. He realized that the traditional view of science, whether inductive or falsification, could not withstand the comparison of historical evidence. In this case, Kuhn attempted to discover a better scientific theory that should be more in line with what he himself understood as a historical science. His philosophy of scientific philosophy and his writings are precisely the fruits of his efforts.