重新修订的《产品质量法》即将实施,这对国内以质量为生命的企业和饱受伪劣产品摧残的善良消费者是好消息,对国酒则是特大的好消息。生产优质产品和打击假冒伪劣是中国经济走向世界的必须,也是中国消费者的期盼,企业对打假应该坚持下去。质量是企业的根本 中国假冒伪劣产品
The revised “Product Quality Law” is about to be implemented, which is good news for domestic quality-conscious enterprises and good consumers who are ruined by counterfeit products. It is especially good news for Guoyi. Producing quality products and cracking down on counterfeit and shoddy goods are necessary for China’s economy to go global. It is also an expectation for Chinese consumers. Enterprises should persevere in cracking down on fake products. Quality is the fundamental Chinese enterprises fake and shoddy products