按计划,傍晚,我们考察团将挥手告别到处环绕着温情似水的吴锡,前往术杭州观光。 从吴锡到杭州,水陆空立体水交通条条大路通罗马,而我们却选择了水,选择了由京杭大运河进入太湖,然后横渡太湖抵达杭州的路线。 告别晚餐后,我们便来到了吴锡客航码头。此时正是下午五时。离开船的时间还有整整30分钟。码头上包括我们乖坐的“虎跑轮”在内,一共三艘客船首尾相衔,静侯起锚。 七月的南方,天气热情得近乎离
According to the plan, in the evening, our delegation will wave and bid farewell to the warmth of Wu Xi around, to visit Hangzhou surgery. From Wu Xi to Hangzhou, the water, air and air traffic routes lead to Rome, and we chose the water. We chose to enter the Taihu Lake from the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and cross the Taihu Lake to reach Hangzhou. After bidding farewell to dinner, we came to Wuxi-Wuxi Passenger Ferry Terminal. It is exactly 5 pm at this time. It takes 30 minutes to leave the ship. Including the pier, including our well-behaved “tiger runway”, a total of three passenger ships end to end, Jing Hou anchor. South of July, the weather is close to passion