【摘 要】
As journals market gradually liberalized, military journals are also in the midst of a wave of global competition. Like the commercial market, journals rely on the brand to win. Brand is the core competitiveness of a journal. Only by persistently building the brand of a journal and continuously enhancing the core competence of the journal can the journal be able to compete and gain a place for itself. Faced with the severe challenges, military journals have no choice but to play their own advantages and take the characteristics of goods.
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下文为澳大利亚广播公司ABC Radio Regional Production Fund Short Story Project 2007短篇故事获奖作品。
The following is a short story winning entry for the ABC Ra
AIM:To investigate the effects of traditional Chinesemedicinal enema (TCME) on inflammatory and immuneresponse of colonic mucosa of rats with ulcerative coliti