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新闻媒体连续报道了沈阳“黑道霸主”刘涌团伙覆灭的消息后,引起了社会的极大关注。人们注意到,在一系列炫目的光环中,沈阳“黑道霸主”刘涌最看重的是人大代表头衔,把它印在名片最显眼位置,以此为金字招牌,借势编织关系网和保护伞。同时,人们也不禁要问,这个以打、砸、砍、杀等暴力手段滥伤无辜、暴敛钱财、酿成血案40余起的黑社会性质犯罪集团头子,为什么能当上沈阳市人大代表?刘涌交代说:“1995年取保候审放出来后,和平区劳动局副局长高明贤让我到劳动局下属的一个企业搞承包,得以继续经商。为了取得劳动局的关照,就给局领导送礼。1997年,局长凌德秀推荐我当 After the news media reported the news of the collapse of Shenyang’s ”gangster overlord“ Liu Yong gang, it aroused great concern in the society. People have noticed that in a series of dazzling rings, the most important thing about Shenyang’s ”underworld bullying“ Liu Yong is the deputies to the National People’s Congress. It is printed on the most conspicuous position of the business card. This is the golden signboard and the occasion to weave the relationship network and umbrella . At the same time, one can not help but ask: Why can this party, the leader of a criminal syndicate of more than 40 blood stained cases, abuse and smash, slash and kill violent means to abuse innocent people? Liu Yong confessed: ”After the release on bail in 1995, Gao Mingxian, the deputy director of the Heping District Labor Bureau, asked me to contract with a company affiliated to the Labor Bureau to continue business. In order to obtain the attention of the Labor Bureau, In 1997, Secretary Ling Dexiu recommended me
我院从 1996~ 1999年对 38例 44眼小梁切除术有滤过功能的病人行白内障囊外摘除术及联合人工晶体植入术 ,该手术在保留原手术滤过区的原则下进行 ,手术切口选择角膜上缘透明部
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the editorial board of Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry for allowing me to write a preface for this special colum
首先树立机关后勤改革越早越主动的意识。朱基总理曾说过“机关事务工作也要深化改革 ,要坚持管理科学化、保障法制化、服务社会化的方向 ,逐步建立适应社会主义市场经济要
The clinical, laboratory, and radiological features at presentation of 16 children (< 12 years) with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and pneumonia were
The object oriented software development is a kind of promising software methodology and leading to awholly new way for solving problems. In the research on th