名老中医传承团队人员管理、诊疗工作流程管理和医案管理是名老中医经验传承工作的3块基石.吕仁和教授传承团队结合实际工作,在保障名老中医的高质量诊疗水平实现的同时,以完成名老中医临床医案的高效收集任务为核心目标,针对诊疗工作流程管理环节进行了细致梳理,初步规范了名老中医诊疗前、诊疗中和诊疗后3个阶段的任务,对名老中医专家传承工作诊疗流程管理规范化进行研究.在保证中医专家诊疗效果的同时,也保证了传承团队科学、高效地完成医案采集工作,为后续的医案管理及数据挖掘工作提供了保障,对名老中医经验传承工作具有一定的意义.“,”Human resources management of famous veteran doctor inheritance group,diagnosis and treatment process administration and medical cases management are three footstones for famous veteran doctor inheritance work.The inheritance group of Professor LYU Renhe aims to accomplish the medical cases of famous veteran doctor,meanwhile,the high quality diagnosis and treatment is guaranteed.After that,they give a specification to management before and after diagnosis and treatment.Therefore,the diagnosis and treatment effect of Chinese medicine expert is guaranteed,as well as the medical cases collection is finished scientifically and effectively,which provide ways for medical cases and data mining subsequently and has great significance for famous veteran doctor inheritance work.