
来源 :中西医结合杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XIONGSHENG0
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患者女,60岁,全身起皮下结节2年,不痛不痒,刚开始发生在背部和两上肢,以后波及面部及两小腿,伴有全身乏力,关节痛,平时出汗多,易激动,不发热。既往史:18岁时患肺结核,约1年治愈。10年前患高血压,心脏病。近3年患哮喘,常在冬天发病。体检:阳性所见,血压160/100mmHg,右眼轻度混合性充血,两眼瞳孔呈花边状,两侧腮腺肿大,轻度压痛,腹软,肝肋下一指,压痛(-)。眼科诊断:右眼浅层点状角膜炎,陈旧性虹膜睫状体炎。皮肤情况:右眉弓、两耳后、背,两上肢屈侧及 Female patient, 60 years old, whole body subcutaneous nodules 2 years, superficial, infuriating, first started in the back and upper extremities, after the spread of the face and the two lower legs, accompanied by generalized weakness, joint pain, usually sweating and more easily agitated , No fever. Past history: suffering from tuberculosis at the age of 18, about 1 year cure. 10 years ago suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease. Nearly 3 years suffering from asthma, often onset in winter. Physical examination: positive findings, blood pressure 160 / 100mmHg, mild mixed right eye congestion, bilateral pupil was lace-like, parotid gland on both sides of swelling, mild tenderness, abdominal soft, liver ribs mean the tenderness (-). Ophthalmology diagnosis: the right eye shallow punctate keratitis, old iridocyclitis. Skin condition: right eyebrow bow, ears, back, both upper limb flexion and