十九世纪后期,由于钢琴、小提琴等乐器具有宽广的音域、嘹亮的音响和辉煌的演奏技巧赢得了人们的喜爱,而具有悠久和光荣历史的吉他,曾如“明珠”般在乐坛上闪烁过光芒,如今在欧洲渐趋衰落而变得暗淡无光了,吉他的演奏和教学水平也一落千丈,吉他艺术进入低潮时期。 1852年,在西班牙韦拉列尔,一位复兴吉他艺术的大师诞生了,那就是被誉为“近代吉他音乐之父”的塔雷加。小时候,他的父亲囿于当时的偏见和风气,曾要他学习钢琴,但塔雷加却对吉他有浓郁的兴趣,因此小塔雷加对两种乐器都很擅长。他的吉他先是向一位自学而有成就的冈萨雷斯学的,1862年正式跟胡利
The late nineteenth century, due to the piano, violin and other musical instruments with wide range, loud sound and brilliant performance techniques to win the people’s favorite, and has a long and glorious history of the guitar, as “Pearl” flicker in the music Light, now in Europe gradually decline and become bleak, guitar performance and teaching levels have plummeted, guitar art into a downturn period. In 1852, a master of renaissance guitar art was born in Vera Riel, Spain, known as Tarrega, the “father of modern guitar music”. When he was young, his father, preoccupied with the prevailing prejudices and ethos, had asked him to study the piano, but Tarrega had a strong interest in the guitar, so Little Tarrega was good at both instruments. His guitar first to a self-taught and accomplished Gonzalez learned formally in 1862 with Hu Li