Heidegger and Foucault are often blamed for ethical-political terminators who think they are unwilling or incompetent to provide a basis for sound moral or political judgment. The censure of Heidegger is generally directed at the highly abstract philosophical form of his thought, his supremacy of ontological superiority, and his disdain for the “ordinary man,” as these undermine moral principles and political responsibilities. The study of pedigree, however, led Foucault to believe that the discipline of the mother is everywhere, so there is no ultimate freedom. A static, disciplined network of forces is not to be escaped, and a “skeptic hermeneutics” removes any hope of attaining a lofty ethical and political foundations. This article attempts to show that Heidegger and Foucault did indeed act prudently for our thinking and provide the resources for our practical wisdom. By imposing a compelling narrative on the cultivation of parenting, they implicitly underline the importance of moral and political judgments.