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  “However deep the water may be, we will wade into it because we have no alternative.”
  On Comprehensive reforms(就全面改革问题)
  “We need to prevent the urban malaise and avoid the situation in which high-rises co-exist with shantytowns.”
  On Urbanization(就城市化问题)
  “We need to leave to the market and society what they can do well. The government needs to manage well the matters that fall under its supervision.”
  On Government reforms(就政府机构改革问题)
  “I feel upset (about the smog that recently shrouded Beijing and large parts of the country’s eastern areas). To tackle the problems, we need an iron fist, firm resolution and tough measures.”
  On Environment(就环境问题)
  “Pursuing government office and making money have been two separate paths since ancient times.”
  On Clean governance(就廉政问题)
  “Bones may be broken but not the sinews, because we are fellow compatriots. Between us there is no knot that cannot be undone.”
  On Cross-Straits ties(就两岸关系)
  “I don’t believe conflicts between big powers are inevitable. Shared interests often override their disputes.”
  On Ties with the US(就中美关系)
  “We should not make groundless accusations against each other and should spend more time doing practical things that will contribute to cybersecurity.”
  On Accusation of Chinese hacker attacks against the United States(针对中国黑客攻击美国的指控)
  “We will upgrade China’s economic development model to enable people to enjoy clean air and safe drinking water and food.”
  On Tackling pollution and food safety problems(就治理污染和食品安全问题)
  “There are more than 1.3 billion people in this country, and we are still on a long journey toward modernization. That requires an international environment of lasting peace.”
  On Sustainable development(就可持续发展)
  “Hong Kong compatriots are hardworking and smart. Hong Kong society is open, inclusive and vigorous.”
  On Cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong(就内地和香港的合作)
  “In a country as vast as China, we have a lot of tasks to fulfill. As for the most important one, I think it is to facilitate the continuous growth of the economy.”
  On Top tasks of the new cabinet(就新内阁的首要任务)
  “We will be true to the Constitution and loyal to the people, and the people’s wish will point the direction of our government’s efforts.”
  On Serving the people and Constitution(就服务人民与宪法问题)
  (China Daily)
“两学一做”促队建  湟中县检察院在“两学一做”学习教育中,紧紧围绕县委和上级检察机关的部署,积极贯彻“六有”要求,丰富学习形式,多举措推动“两学一做”学习教育深入开展。  ——支部有方案。该院党组将“两学一做”的学习内容和工作重点在全院大会上向全体干警进行传达贯彻,按照方案要求,组织党员干警每周至少一次集中学习,定期召开专题研讨会。健全完善党员档案,努力使每名党员都纳入党组织有效管理。  ——个
自人类社会产生以后,随之便产生了监督这一社会现象及社会活动。人类社会在历史力量的推动下进入政治时代,国家形成、政党出现。对权力进行必要的监督与制约亦成为政治时代的主题。而现代意义上的监督思想也已被赋予了民主的内涵,并逐步发展形成对公共权力与政党权力制约与调控的现代监督机制。中国特色社会主义监督机制是在中国共产党从革命党转变为执政党,并将长期执政的实践与探索中不断丰富发展起来的。  一、经典作家视域