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地膜覆盖栽培促进了大白菜生长发育,减轻了病虫害和冻害,可提高大白菜产量二成左右,并延长在田间贮存上市时间40—50天,能供应春节市场需要。每亩大白菜田还可节省用工10个,降低成本20%,增加产值30—50%,具有显著的经济效益和社会效益。 Film mulching cultivation has promoted the growth and development of Chinese cabbage, reduced the pest and frost damage, increased the yield of Chinese cabbage by about 20%, and prolonged the storage and listing time in the field for 40-50 days, which can supply the market needs of the Spring Festival. Cabbage per acre can save 10 labor, reduce costs by 20%, increase production value of 30-50%, with significant economic and social benefits.
到医院看病、检查、确诊、开药、用药到逐渐康复,在诸多环节中如何做才科学、合理,不是人人都清楚的。这不仅仅与医疗政策、医德医术有关,与病人自己也有很大关系。学会看病,可以让自己少花很多钱,少受不少罪。    聪明的病人不误事    在医院里,经常会有不会看病耽误治疗的情况。有位患者身体本来很壮实,退休后打球、游泳、跳舞、爬山,十分活跃。去年,他突然感到皮肤瘙痒,去医院看皮科,医生说是老年皮肤瘙痒症,
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Darwin famously characterized the sudden appearance and rapid diversification of flowering plants (angiosperms) in the fossil record as an "Abominable Mystery".
A Chinese expat in Mexico, I was impressed with the efforts of the Mexican people coping with A/H1N1 flu, as well as China’s uncompromising preventive effort;