【摘 要】
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of fuel properties on liquid and vapor penetrations in evaporating spray systems.A recently developed mod
【机 构】
University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of fuel properties on liquid and vapor penetrations in evaporating spray systems.A recently developed model,which can simultaneously account for the finite thermal conductivity,finite mass diffusivity and turbulence effects within atomizing multi-component liquid fuel sprays,is utilized for the numerical predictions.Two different multi-component fuels with different boiling temperatures,densities and other thermal properties are implemented in the KIVA-3V computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code to study the evaporation behaviors.A six-component surrogate fuel is used to emulate the relevant volatility property of the real diesel fuel,and a second bi-component fuel is chosen to represent a low boiling-temperature fuel.The numerical results are compared with the experimental data,and the representative results are obtained.For a lower density and lower boiling temperature fuel,the liquid penetration length is shorter.However,the vapor penetration lengths are not affected by the fuel type in terms of fuel volatility.Available experimental data are used for validation and appraisal of the multi-component evaporation model.
周恩来是我党的创始人之一、开国总理,乌兰夫是蒙古族老一辈无产阶级革命家,在长期的斗争和建设岁月里,两人结下了深厚的革命友情。 风华正茂相识异邦 乌兰夫第一次见到周恩来是在1928年夏天,当时,他在莫斯科中山大学做教学翻译工作。周恩来是在莫斯科参加中共第六次全国代表大会之后,到中山大学去看他们的。1928年是大革命失败后的第二年,全国到处都是白色恐怖,革命处于低潮。当时在莫斯科的一批革命
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