今年是震惊世界的济南“五三”惨案发生74周年。我们来到西门外趵突泉公园东侧的“五三”惨案纪念碑前,凭吊先烈英魂,并让女儿工工整整地把碑文抄录如下:“十一日,全城失陷,日军纵兵屠掠奸淫,血雨腥风,笼罩湖山,我军民亡者凡六千余,财产损失无以计数,史称‘五三惨案’。时值世界反法西斯战争暨中国抗日战争胜利五十周年,特于顺城街遗址立碑,纪念并激励全市人民发扬爱国主义精神,投身建设社会主义现代化强国的伟大事业。” 同时,也把“蔡公时:英魂长留济南城”一文转载如下,以期让人们永远记住日本军国主义所犯下的滔天罪行,不忘国耻,不忘国辱,更不能忘记那些为了全中国的解放,为了济南城的今天流血牺牲的英烈们,从而为中华民族的伟大复兴而努力奋斗!
This year marks the 74th anniversary of the “53” massacre that shocked the world. Before we came to the “53” massacre monument on the east side of Baotu Spring Park in the west of Ximen, we grasped the heroic soul and let our daughter workers make a complete copy of the inscription as follows: “On the 11th, the entire city fell, Soldiers cheated and adultery, bloody, shrouded in mountains and mountains, where more than 6,000 people died in military and civilian countless losses of property, known as ’May 3 tragedy’ .While the world anti-fascist war and the 50th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War, Especially in Shuncheng Street ruins monument to commemorate and inspire the people of the city to carry forward the spirit of patriotism and join the great cause of building a powerful socialist modern nation. ”At the same time, also “ Cai Gongshi: English long stay in Jinan City ”a text is reproduced below, With a view to letting people forever remember the heinous crimes committed by Japanese militarists. They will never forget their shameful humiliation, never forget their national humiliation. They must not forget the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the liberation of China and sacrificed today for Jinan City. Great rejuvenation and work hard!