动脉内部隐 存多年的炎症,似 乎是心脏病发作 或中风的强有力 的触发器。这种炎 症也许是由感染 引起的,可与过多 的胆固醇一样有 害。新近研究发 现,如果人的血管 中有低水平的炎症 并持续几年后,其 心脏病发作的可能 性是常人的3倍, 中风的可能性是2 倍。这种炎症很轻 微,只有通过验血 才能检测出来,但 看似正常的水平就 可能有危险。 早些时候的研究已发现了在心脏病发作时这种炎症的症候。上述新的研究第一次
Inflammation of the arteries for many years seems to be a powerful trigger of heart attacks or strokes. This inflammation may be caused by the infection, can be as harmful as excessive cholesterol. Recent studies have found that if there is a low level of inflammation in human blood vessels that lasts for several years, the likelihood of a heart attack is three times more common and the chance of a stroke is two times greater. This inflammation is mild and can only be detected by blood tests, but seemingly normal levels can be dangerous. Earlier studies have found the symptoms of this inflammation during a heart attack. The above new study first time