为了解决刑事案件中死者死亡时间推断的难题,不同季节野外环境用18头猪尸体做模拟材料观察和筛选对推断死亡时间高度准确的昆虫指标。结果表明,幼虫开始出现时间、幼虫开始爬离时间、大部分幼虫爬离尸体的时间、开始化蛹的时间、大部分幼虫化蛹的时间、开始羽化的时间、羽化结束的时间等若干昆虫指标比较敏感且稳定可用作死亡时间的精确推断。在珠江三角洲春季、夏季及秋季尸体腐败很快,分别在259±23,202±18,277±20h进入白骨化期,而冬季则时间较长,约经过1297±63h才进入白骨化期。大约有47种嗜尸性昆虫在尸体生态环境出现,大多数种类全年可见,尸体上的昆虫群落的优势种为大头金蝇Chrysomya megacephala、绯颜裸金蝇Achoetandrus rufifacies及厚环黑蝇Hydrotaea(Ophyra)spinigera。蝇类昆虫在尸体上只能大规模繁殖一代尸体即白骨化。根据以上结果可确定一些可用于死亡时间推断的关键时间点。
In order to solve the problem of inferring the death time of the dead in criminal cases, 18 pig carcasses in different seasons were observed and screened for highly accurate insects indexing the death time. The results showed that some insect indicators such as the time when the larvae started to appear, the time when the larva started to crawl, the time when most of the larvae crawl out of the body, the time to start the pupation, the time when most larvae became pupal, the time to start emergence, Sensitive and stable can be used as exact estimates of death time. In the Pearl River Delta, the body corrupted rapidly in summer and autumn, entering the ossification stage at 259 ± 23,202 ± 18,277 ± 20h respectively, while the winter time was longer, reaching about 1297 ± 63h before entering the ossification stage. About 47 kinds of carnivorous insects appear in the auther’s ecological environment, most of them can be seen throughout the year. The predominant species of insect community on the body are Chrysomya megacephala, Achoetandrus rufifacies and Hydrotaea Ophyra) spinigera. Flies insects in the body only large-scale reproduction of the body that is white ossification. Based on the above results, we can identify some key time points that can be used to infer the death time.