历史的车轮驶进灿烂的新纪元。在这世纪之交的今天,我对十多年的良师益友,来自三晋大地的《烹调知识》,有许多的心里话要讲,千言万语归一句——“我深深的爱戴她”。 为什么要爱“她”,还要深深的爱戴“她”?因为她是现代杂志形式传播烹饪知识的一枝报春花。她为中国烹饪事业的发展,做出了很大的贡献。在二十年前,我还是一个年轻的厨师,当我看到许多行业的科技杂志相继问世,而烹饪行业的杂志却无一家时,感到很闷气。“青山缭绕疑无路,忽见一舟行岸来。”幸运的是“她”在这时应运而生。当1983年我第一次细读她刊登出的许多文章后,第一个感觉是“小刊物,也能登出好文章”。从那以后,我就开始
The wheels of history go into a brilliant new era. Today, at the turn of the century, I have more than ten years of mentor and teacher, “cooking knowledge” from the land of Sanjin. There are many words to be said and a thousand words to say - “I deeply love her.” Why love “She”, but also deeply loved “She”? Because she is a modern magazine form spread a cooking primrose. She made a great contribution to the development of Chinese cooking. I was still a young cook twenty years ago, and I was sulking when I saw technology magazines in many industries coming out in succession, but none in the cooking industry. “Qingshan winding doubtless, suddenly saw a boat to shore.” Fortunately, “she” came into being at this time. When I first read many of the articles she published in 1983, the first one was “a small publication, but also a good article.” Since then, I started