我院曾收治1例因口服小儿安致过敏性紫癜的患儿,现报道如下:1 病例介绍患儿,男,11个月。因全身皮肤多形性紫癜3天,于1998年4月25日上午11时因外院治疗无效至我院求治。体检:T37.6℃,精神萎靡,烦躁不安,呼吸稍促,全身皮肤可见大小不等紫癜,压之褪色,不高于皮肤,融合成片,阴囊及
Our hospital had admitted 1 case of children with allergic purpura due to oral safety of children, are reported as follows: 1 case description of children, male, 11 months. Due to systemic skin pleomorphic purpura 3 days, on April 25, 1998 at 11 am due to invalid treatment outside the hospital to our hospital for treatment. Physical examination: T37.6 ℃, apathetic, restlessness, shortness of breath, body size ranging from purpura can be seen, the pressure of fading, not higher than the skin, into a film, scrotal and