
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmeng1984
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Objective: Although evidence on elevated creatine phosphokinase (CPK) as a tool for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy (EP) is rather conflictive, no previous study on CPK isoenzyme levels and their relative ratio was found in the literature. Study design: Forty women with EP, 20 with intrauterine (IU) abortive gestation, and 20 regular pregnant women (controls) were studied. Serum total CPK, CPK-MB, and CPK-MM levels were measured at the time of presentation and 24 hours after surgery. Relative operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted. Results: Women with EP had significantly higher CPK concentrations and a significantly decreased CPK-MB relative ratio (CPK-MB%), compared with both women with IU abortive pregnancy and controls. The ROC curves demonstrated a significant discriminatory ability of both increased total CPK and decreased CPK-MB%ratio for the diagnosis of EP. Conclusion: Determination of CPK isoenzyme fractions can significantly enhance the diagnostic value of total maternal CPK in the prediction of ectopic pregnancy. Objective: Although evidence on elevated creatine phosphokinase (CPK) as a tool for the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy (EP) is rather conflictive, no previous study on CPK isoenzyme levels and their relative ratio was found in the literature. Study design: Forty women with EP, 20 with intrauterine (IU) abortive gestation, and 20 regular pregnant women (controls) were studied. Serum total CPK, CPK-MB, and CPK-MM levels were measured at the time of presentation and 24 hours after surgery. characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted. Results: Women with EP had significantly higher CPK concentrations and significantly decreased CPK-MB relative ratio (CPK-MB%), compared with both women with IU abortive pregnancy and controls. The ROC curves demonstrated a significant discriminatory ability of both increased total CPK and decreased CPK-MB% ratio for the diagnosis of EP. Conclusion: Determination of CPK isoenzyme fractions can significantly enhance the diagnostic value of tot al maternal CPK in the prediction of ectopic pregnancy.
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一、会 刊 有人说,图书 馆学会会刊上的论 文只有四个读者:一作者、二编者、三排字者、四校对者。 此说是否正确姑且不论,但话中话是小葱伴豆腐——一清二白:我国图书馆学论