The developmental process of unconformity in Jiyang Depression can be divided into three stages: weathering, denudation and diagenesis. The weathering period is the basis for the formation of the unconformity structure. The denudation period is the key period for the unconformity structure to be preserved. The diagenesis period determines the mineral composition and pore infiltration structure of the unconformity structure. Due to the long-term and complex formation of unconformity, the development of unconformity structure is mainly controlled by four factors of sedimentary discontinuity time, weathering mother rock lithology, preservation conditions and paleoclimate, combined with the development process and controlling factors of unconformity Based on the analysis, the unconformities of Jiyang Depression can be divided into three types of development patterns: strong weathered type of bulge-steep slope rock, strong weathered type of bedrock rock and weak weathering type of Paleogene-Neocene parent rock. In the convex-steep slope unconformity, the permeability of rocks is good, generally forming buried hill reservoirs; the gentle slope belt generally forms unconformity with complete structure, easy to form unconformity overrun and block oil and gas reservoir; Paleogene - Department of internal strata unconformity weathered a short time, a weak degree, can be used as a channel for oil and gas migration.