从星云湖中分离并挑选出4株光合细菌,用于水产养殖污水的处理。实验表明:使用混合菌株和固定化混合菌株对污水的净化效果要比使用单一菌株好;且在不同环境条件下处理效果也不同,光照优于黑暗,接种量控制在1~5 mg/L时,处理效果较好;当温度低于15℃、NaC l投加量超过2 g/L、CuSO4的投加量高于0.4 mg/L时,处理效果明显下降。
Four photosynthetic bacteria were isolated and selected from Xingyun Lake for the treatment of aquaculture wastewater. Experiments show that: the use of mixed strains and immobilized mixed strains of sewage purification effect than using a single strain is good; and under different environmental conditions also have different effects, the light is better than the dark, inoculum control at 1 ~ 5 mg / L , The treatment effect is better; when the temperature is below 15 ℃, NaC l dosage exceeds 2 g / L, CuSO4 dosage is higher than 0.4 mg / L, the treatment effect decreased significantly.