2.3 核磁共振血管成像(MRA)2.3.1 背景和方法 :在头部MRI检查中常结合MRA,用于急性卒中患者病情评估以指导治疗决策的制定。目前,有几种不同的MRA技术用于脑血管成像,包括二维时间飞跃(timeof-flight,TOF)序列、三维TOF序列、多块重叠薄层采集(multiple overlappingthin-slab acquisition,MOTSA)和CE-MRA。在已发表的综述中,可找到上述MRA技术的各种技术参数。2.3.2 MRA的准确性:关于MRA准确性的一个关键问题是:与常规血管造影或颈动脉超声相比,MRA对头颈部动脉粥样硬化病变的敏感性和特异性有多高?MRA同样可用于
2.3 Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) 2.3.1 Background and Methods: MRA is often used in MRI of the head to assess the condition of acute stroke patients to guide the development of treatment decisions. Currently, there are several different MRA techniques for use in cerebrovascular imaging including timeof-flight (TOF) sequences, three-dimensional TOF sequences, multiple overlappingthin-slab acquisitions (MOTSA), and CE -MRA. In published reviews, various technical parameters of the MRA technology described above can be found. 2.3.2 Accuracy of MRA: A key question about the accuracy of MRA is the sensitivity and specificity of MRA for head and neck atherosclerotic lesions compared with conventional angiography or carotid ultrasound? MRA Similarly Can be used as