《中国港湾建设》期刊2018年征订工作已经开始了,请登录本刊网站:www.zggwjs.com下载订单。《中国港湾建设》期刊为月刊,每月25日出版,定价10元/册,全年120元。订阅办法:1、订户可通过银行信汇,并填写订单回执,银行汇款后将回执发送到《中国港湾建设》编辑部邮箱E-mail:[email protected]。开户银行:交通银行学苑支行,银行账号:120066023018010031133,户名:中交天津港湾工程研究院有限公司。请在汇票上注明“中国港湾建设款”。2、订户也可通过邮局汇款,汇款地址:天津市河西区大沽南路1002号《中国港湾建设》编辑部,邮
Subscription for “China Harbor Engineering” Periodical 2018 has started. Please visit our website at www.zggwjs.com to download the order. The magazine “China Harbor Construction” is a monthly magazine which is published on the 25th of each month at a price of RMB10 / book for a total of 120 yuan a year. Subscription methods: 1, subscribers can mail through the bank, and fill in the receipt, the bank will send the receipt back to the “China Harbor Engineering” editorial office E-mail: [email protected]. Account Bank: Bank of Communications Branch of Bank of Communications, bank account number: 120066023018010031133, account name: Tianjin Jiaotong Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd. Tianjin. Please indicate on the bill “China Harbor Construction Section ”. 2, subscribers can also remittance through the post office, remittance address: 1002 Dagu South Road, Hexi District, Tianjin, “China Harbor Construction” editorial department, postal