Bacillus subtilis A30 strain was isolated from the rice leaves in the suburbs of Hangzhou, and its plate test showed that it was against Xan-thomonasoryzaepv. oryzae, Rhizoctoniasolani, Fusariummoniliforme and Magnaporthegrisea and other pathogenic fungi, pathogenic bacteria have a good antagonistic effect. The district trials represented by bacterial leaf blight and rice sheath blight were carried out. The results showed that the control effect of A30 was 58.1% and 39.0% respectively. The culture of A30 strain was treated with 70% saturation (NH4) 2SO4, and the antagonist was precipitated by (NH4) 2SO4. The antagonistic crude extracts were separated by Diol150 and proRPCHR5 / 10. oryzaepv. Antagonistic peaks of oryzae and two pairs of R. solani antagonistic peak.