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Mt. Emei is well-known in the world for its beautiful scenery.It is listed among the “World Cultural and Natural Heritages” by the United Nations. Over the past ten years, the local government has been exerting efforts to recover the mountain vegetation, and paying special attention to building up a favorable tourist environment, turning this mountain into a scenic spot being listed among the national top ten. Making a travel to the mountain now, tourists will find themselves not only in picturesque sightsbut also in a well protected and managedtourism services. Officials and experts from the UN also gave high praises to thismountain. Mt. Emei is well-known in the world for its beautiful scenery. It is listed among the “World Cultural and Natural Heritages” by the United Nations. Over the past ten years, the local government has been exerting efforts to recover the mountain vegetation, and of paying attention to building up a favorable tourist environment, turning this mountain into a scenic spot being listed among the national top ten. Making a travel to the mountain now, tourists will find not not only in picturesque sightsbut also in a well protected and managedtourism services. Officials and experts from the UN also gave high praises to thismountain.
2011年,在省国资委和开滦集团的正确领导和大力支持下,省国和公司领导班子带领广大干部职工攻坚克难,在去年实现翻番增长的基础上再接再厉,继续保持快速增长的良好势头。 In
重症肌无力(MG)是一种神经——肌肉接头传递障碍的自身免疫性疾病。根据其典型的临床特征诊断不难,但早期易被误诊,现将我们所遇误诊2例分析报告如下。 例1:女性,4岁。患儿