Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and Yunnan provinces and autonomous regions of 10 strains of rye agar and Vimax V-8 agar medium for mating type test and found that three strains A2 mating type, seven strains For the A1 mating type. A2 mating strains were collected from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Shanxi Province. The morphology of oospores, oviparous and male species is described. te, a * ffn. WhetherA, existsornotinChinahasneverbeenstudiedbefore. In1995webeganthevestigvestiganddiscoveredA, inChina’Thepreliminaryresultsofthestudywerepresentasfollow. TheobjectivesofthisstudyistofindoutbysurveywhethertheA, matingtypeexistsinChina, andfurtherresearchontheimmigration, movement, reasonfordevelopmentandepidemiologyoftheA, wouldbecarriedoutlater. 1Materialsandmethodsl’1COllectionofsamp?