根据苏联专家丘道夫同志的指示;目前各厂标准化规格化工作大都从制订标准零件的工厂规格着手。在这方面;由於以前没有一套较完整的经验,因而交流和总结这方面的经验,是非常必要的。本文总结了局属部分厂的经验,并就标准零件规格化的几个主要问题——编号,实施步骤和方法,施工图以及集中生产等问题——作了扼要的分析,同时也提出了比较明确的意见。想对各厂标准化工作能起一些作用。 为了更好地开展这项标准化规格化工作,希望各厂能把有关这方面的经验和意见多告诉我们,以便得到推广交流。
According to the instructions of Comrade Sudakov, a Soviet expert, the standardization and standardization work of all plants is currently proceeding from the specification of the factory for standard parts. In this respect, since there has not been a relatively complete set of previous experiences, it is necessary to exchange and sum up experience in this area. This article summarizes the experiences of the local plants, and makes a brief analysis of several major problems in the standardization of standard parts - numbering, implementation steps and methods, construction drawings, and centralized production. At the same time, it also proposes a comparison. Clear opinion. Want to play some role in the standardization work of each factory. In order to better carry out this standardization work, I hope that all factories can tell us more about this experience and opinions in order to get promotion communication.