【摘 要】
Understanding and controlling defect in two-dimensional materials is important for both linear and nonlinear optoelectronic devices, especially in terms of tuning nonlinear optical absorption. Taking advantage of an atomic defect formed easily by smaller
【机 构】
【出 处】
Understanding and controlling defect in two-dimensional materials is important for both linear and nonlinear optoelectronic devices, especially in terms of tuning nonlinear optical absorption. Taking advantage of an atomic defect formed easily by smaller size, molybdenum disulfide nanosheet is prepared successfully with a different size by gradient centrifugation. Interestingly, size-dependent sulfur vacancies are observed by high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The defect effect on nonlinear absorption is investigated by Z-scan measurement at the wavelength of 800 nm. The results suggest the transition from saturable absorption to reverse saturable absorption can be observed in both dispersions and films. First principle calculations suggest that sulfur vacancies act as the trap state to capture the excited electrons. Moreover, an energy-level model with the trap state is put forward to explain the role of the sulfur vacancy defect in nonlinear optical absorption. The results suggest that saturable absorption and reverse saturable absorption originate from the competition between the excited, defect state and ground state absorption. Our finding provides a way to tune the nonlinear optical performance of optoelectronic devices by defect engineering.
基于一种新型、高效、生物兼容性近红外表面增强拉曼散射(NIR-SERS)基底,采用便携式近红外拉曼光谱仪分别对健康人和肝癌病患者的血清进行了NIR-SERS光谱研究。实验发现,健康人与肝癌患者的血清NIR-SERS光谱存在显著差异:1)健康人血清NIR-SERS 光谱中位于630、720、812和1578 cm-1附近的谱峰在肝癌患者血清NIR-SERS 光谱中变得很弱,甚至消失;2)健康人血清NIR-SERS光谱中位于1130 cm-1和1204 cm-1附近的谱峰在肝癌患者血清NIR-SERS 光谱中
A sensing system, with Michelson-type fiber optical interferometer based on single fiber Bragg grating (FBG) as the reflector, is demonstrated. The system used a frequency-matched ring fiber optical laser as the source. The closed Michelson-type fiber opt
瓣状光纤(SCF)由高折射率均匀芯层和高低折射率区域交替的皮层组成, 可有效地实现大纤芯单模运行。提出了采用复合纺丝法一步制备瓣状光纤。采用聚碳酸酯(PC)和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)成功地制备截面符合设计要求的聚合物瓣状光纤。所制光纤的纤芯直径为40 μm。并用白光作为光源, 考察了所制光纤在500~1000 nm波段范围的出射光谱。从出射光谱可以看出, 所制光纤在730~830 nm波段范围内透射率比较高。通过截断法对所得光纤在500~1000 nm波段范围的传输损耗进行测试, 结果表明所制光纤的传
Optical properties and nonlinearity on phase-matching (PM) of two (yellow and orange) phase HgGa_(2)S_(4) crystals were investigated in details. Damage threshold was determined in comparison with middle infrared (IR) crystal at identical experimental cond
采用激光二极管(LD)端面抽运, Nd:YAG/Cr4 :YAG热键合被动调Q, 在风冷的情况下, 对激光脉冲重复频率、脉冲宽度、峰值功率、脉冲能量及其相互关系进行了理论分析和实验研究。获得了200 kHz, 8 ns, 单脉冲能量50 μJ输出, 峰值功率高达6.25 kW。结果表明, 理论分析和实验结果一致, 此种激光器是重复频率高, 脉宽窄, 峰值功率高的全固态激光器。
在钙离子光频标实验研究中,为了保证钟跃迁谱线的测量精度和光频标的锁定 精度,方便自动控制实验进程,研究了基于LabVIEW的数字波形法结合数据采集卡产生多通道脉冲信号的方法。该方法采用多路数字信号序列同步 输出的方法,由板卡的板载硬件时钟源作为定时器,通过编程从计数器/定时器输出频率连续的矩形脉冲输入到采 集卡作为控制各路数字波形输出的同步时钟,数字信号输出过程的数字通道样本输出率可达1 MHz,脉冲宽度的 精度可稳定达到1 μs,上升延迟小于50 ns,而且多路脉冲都以同一个计时起点开始,因此具有很好的