This article reports glycyrrhizin 75 and 150mq/kg, giving ip results once a day for 4 days. The spleen weight in the administration group was 102±21 and 123±27mg/10g respectively, and the thymus weight was 49±7 and 69 respectively. ±11mg/10g, compared with saline control group, spleen weight 70±14, thymus 39±9, there was a significant difference (p<0.01). In the same two dose groups of sweetin, 0.1% carbon tetrachloride (0.1ml 10g) poisoned mice, serum SGPT after 24 hours and liver homogenate GPT were measured. The drug was found to be able to fight carbon tetrachloride against the liver. The acute poisoning effect. In addition, mice given i glycyrrhizin 75mg/Kg can significantly improve mice’s clearance of iV carbon particles