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五年来,我当秘书长体会最深的是,工作不能就事办事,平推平拥,这样只会手忙脚乱,疲于应付。要想充分发挥职责作用,就必须突出重点,确保决策、督查、协调、后勤四个方面的服务到位,这样各项工作才能有条不紊,顺畅高效。一、决策服务要到位。为领导决策当好参谋,是秘书长参政议政的重要职责,也是提高秘书长服务层次的客观要求。长期以来,由于秘书长工作的从属性、被动性,往往把工作局限在被动服务、事务服务的狭小圈子里,只满足于当好“传声筒”、“录音机”的角色,不想、不敢也不会主动参政议政,这种低层次的服务方式既 In the past five years, as the Secretary-General has come to understand, the deepest thing I can do is that work can not be handled in accordance with the facts, and I can only push myself flat so that I will only be in a hurry and deal with difficulties. If we want to give full play to the role of responsibility, we must give prominence to the key points and ensure that the four areas of policy-making, inspection, coordination and logistics are in place so that all kinds of work can be conducted in an orderly, smooth and efficient manner. First, decision-making services to be in place. It is an important duty for the Secretary-General to participate in and deliberate on politics, as well as an objective requirement for improving the service level of the Secretary-General. For a long time, due to the subordination and passivity of the work of the Secretary-General, they often confined their work to the narrow circle of passive service and service. They only satisfied themselves with the role of good “voice recorder” and “voice recorder” Will take the initiative to participate in politics, this low-level service is both ways
邹维琏一生著述颇丰,本文引据多种史料,对其著述予以考述。 Zou Weijie’s works are quite rich in his life, this article cites a variety of historical materials, to
我代表中宣部、广电总局党组对中央电视台在第 27届悉尼奥运会报道工作中作出的积极贡献和取得的丰硕成果,表示衷心的感谢和热烈的祝贺。中国体育健儿在第 27届奥运会上表现非