In general, an equation can only find the value of an unknown number. To require n (n ≥ 2) values of unknowns, a system of equations consisting of n independent equations with n unknowns should be solved. If the number of equations is less than the number of unknowns, it is difficult to find the value of each unknown. Like this multivariate equation, we call it the indefinite equation. However, there are special multivariate equations. Even though its number of unknowns is greater than the number of equations, a certain solution can also be found in a specific set of numbers. The solution, in addition to the method of seeking an integer solution, the following also introduces several special solutions. First, use the definition domain to solve If an equation is a function analytical formula, and the elements in the defined domain are determined values, then the determined value is the value of the corresponding unknown in the equation, and the original equation can be used to find another unknown. value.