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一般说来,一个方程只能求一个未知数的值。要求n个(n≥2)未知数的值,就应解以这n个未知数为元的n个独立方程联立而成的方程组。如果方程的个数少于未知数的个数,就很难求出每个未知数的值。象这样的多元方程,我们把它叫做不定方程。不过,有些特殊的多元方程,尽管它的未知数个数比方程个数多,但在特定的数集内也能求出确定的解来。其解法,除求整数解的方法外,下面还介绍几种特殊解法。一、用定义域来解如果一个方程是函数解析式,且定义域内的元素为确定值,那么这确定值便是方程中相应未知数的值,以之代入原方程便可求出另一未知数的值。 In general, an equation can only find the value of an unknown number. To require n (n ≥ 2) values ​​of unknowns, a system of equations consisting of n independent equations with n unknowns should be solved. If the number of equations is less than the number of unknowns, it is difficult to find the value of each unknown. Like this multivariate equation, we call it the indefinite equation. However, there are special multivariate equations. Even though its number of unknowns is greater than the number of equations, a certain solution can also be found in a specific set of numbers. The solution, in addition to the method of seeking an integer solution, the following also introduces several special solutions. First, use the definition domain to solve If an equation is a function analytical formula, and the elements in the defined domain are determined values, then the determined value is the value of the corresponding unknown in the equation, and the original equation can be used to find another unknown. value.