我国冶金工业战线的杰出领导人、国家计委顾问、《有色今昔》常务顾问吕东同志 2 0 0 2年 5月 8日1 0时 5 5分与世长辞 ,享年 87岁。噩耗传来 ,哀悼殊深 !谨代表《有色今昔》编委会撰文沉痛悼念这位久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战士、无产阶级革命家、原冶金部长吕东同志 !吕东同
Outstanding leader of China’s metallurgical industry, adviser to the State Development Planning Commission, Comrade Lu Dong, executive adviser to the “Colored Past and Present” Comrade Lu Dong, at 0800 on May 8, 2002, died at the age of 87. The sad news came and the mourning was so profound! On behalf of the Editorial Board of “The Past and Present”, I would like to deeply mourn the long-loyal comrade communist fighter, proletarian revolutionary and former Minister of Metallurgical Affairs Lv Dong!