西西莉·鲁维德(Cecilie Lveid)(1951年—)挪威当代最负盛名的女剧作家、诗人与小说家。1960年代末开始发表实验小说、戏剧与诗歌。其最早受到评论界和公众的关注源于其对流派和观众审美习惯的挑战。1972年,实验小说《莫斯特》(Most)公开发表,成为鲁维德的首部小说。因为挑战了传统观念,小说受到了褒贬不一的评价。不过,鲁维德也因此受到女性的关注。1979年,小说《海浪》“Sug”(Seaswell)出版发行。这部小说至今仍然在挪威和其他国家出售,并且正被翻译成多种语言准备发行。1980年代与90年代期间,鲁维德主要从事戏剧
Cecilie Lveid (1951 -) The most famous female playwright, poet and novelist in Norway. The late 1960s began to publish experimental novels, drama and poetry. Its earliest attention by critics and the general public stems from its challenge to the aesthetic habits of genres and audiences. In 1972, the experimental novel Most published in public and became the first novel of Ruweide. Because of the challenges of traditional concepts, the novel has been mixed reviews. However, Ruweide therefore by women’s attention. In 1979, the novel “Wave” “Sug ” (Seaswell) published. The novel is still being sold in Norway and other countries and is being translated into multiple languages for distribution. During the 1980s and 1990s, Ruweide was mainly engaged in drama