Gallbladder cancer is a highly aggressive malignant tumor. Early in clinical resembles benign lesions, it is often found to be advanced, with early lymph node metastasis, and directly infiltrated into the liver, implanted into the abdominal cavity, biopsy and laparoscopic puncture, which seriously threaten the patient’s life. In recent years, the incidence of gallbladder cancer has been increasing year by year. The incidence of gallstone cancer in Shanghai was 3.1 cases per 100,000 population and 4.6 cases for women in 1996-1999 in Shanghai. Compared with 20 years ago, the incidence of gallbladder cancer increased by about 4% [1 ]. In 2009, the incidence of gallbladder cancer in Shanghai ranks 12th, with the 11th standardized mortality rate and the 9th and 7th women respectively