随着现代医学模式的转变,即由单纯的生物医学模式转化为生物-心理-社会-医学模式,充分说明疾病的构成除了躯体因素以外,心理因素发挥着具有越来越重要的作用,在勃起功能障碍(erectile dysfunction,ED)的发病中表现尤为明显[1]。心理性ED是指以心理因素为主要病因的功能性ED,也称心因性ED。对抑郁症、精神分裂症及创伤后应激障碍等与心理因素密切相关的患者脑结构和功能进行研究发现,心理因素导致的并不是单纯的功能性病变,其中枢神经系统特定脑区存在结构和
With the transformation of modern medical model, that is, from a simple biomedical model into a bio-psycho-social-medical model, which fully illustrates the composition of the disease in addition to physical factors, psychological factors play an increasingly important role in the erection Dysfunction (erectile dysfunction, ED) in the onset of the performance is particularly evident [1]. Psychological ED refers to the psychological factors as the main cause of functional ED, also known as cardiac ED. Psychological factors such as depression, schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress disorder are closely related to the brain structure and function of patients found that psychological factors are not caused by a simple functional lesions, the central nervous system, there are specific brain regions structure with