邵晶坤,1932年生于北国冰城哈尔滨,自幼迷恋舞蹈、音乐和绘画,但最终选择了绘画作为终身职业。她1949年考入国立北平艺专(中央美术学院前身),是徐悲鸿、蒋兆和、叶浅予、董希文的直接学生。也是新中国成立以来中央美术学院培养的第一代成绩优秀、卓有成就的女画家。 50年代初,正是徐悲鸿先生为之奋斗一生的现实主义教学体系,经过几代人的努力,与解放区的文艺思想相结合,更趋完善。当时美术学院,聚集着一
Shao Jingkun, born in 1932 in the northern ice city of Harbin, grew up enamored with dance, music and painting but eventually chose painting as a career. She was admitted to the National Peking Art Academy (predecessor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts) in 1949 and is a direct student of Xu Beihong, Jiang Zhaohe, Ye Qian Yu and Dong Xiwen. It is also the first painter of outstanding achievements and outstanding achievements cultivated by the Central Academy of Fine Arts since the founding of new China. In the early 1950s, it was the realism teaching system for which Mr. Xu Beihong struggled for life. After several generations’ hard work, he combined with the literary and art thinking in the liberated areas and became more perfect. At that time, the Academy of Fine Arts gathered