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周干峙先生,于1930年出生在江苏苏州。1952年毕业于清华大学建筑系,长期从事城市规划设计和政策制定工作。1994年选聘为中国工程院院士。建设部高级建筑师。曾任建设部副部长。建国初期,具体负责编制了西安市总体规划和详细规划,为中国早期城市规划的编制树立了一个样板。此后,参加指导并组织编制了上海总体规划以及地震后的唐山市、天津市重建规划。指导编制了深圳经济特区总体规划。深入研究了住宅建设、城市 Mr. Zhou Qianzhi was born in 1930 in Suzhou, Jiangsu. In 1952 graduated from Tsinghua University, Department of Architecture, has long been engaged in urban planning and design and policy development. 1994 hired as the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Senior Architect, Ministry of Construction. Former vice minister of construction. In the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, it was in charge of compiling the overall planning and detailed planning of Xi’an and setting a model for the preparation of China’s early urban planning. Since then, he participated in the guidance and organized the preparation of the overall planning of Shanghai and the reconstruction plans of Tangshan and Tianjin after the earthquake. Guide the preparation of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone master plan. In-depth study of housing construction, city
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