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随着我国经济的飞速发展,建立社会主义市场经济体制的要求,我国恢复了停止已久的公证制度。在现阶段社会经济生活中,我国公证制度、公证机构所负担的职能,早已经远远超出了其最初单一的“证明”职责,原有公证制度体系在很大程度上已经不能适应现有经济形势对公证业务的要求。目前,公证业务迅速扩大,已经由最初的几十种拓展到现在的几百种,领域也扩大到行政、经济、法律、民商事等等。本文从现有公证制度的职能及其价值、机构定性几方面着眼,同时对公证机构的性质、公证范围进行简单分析,特别是对我国现行公证制度存在的问题进行详细分析,对明确公证机构价值、性质定位,设立强制公证制度原则方面,提出一些意见和建议,以期建立更加完备的公证制度体系,更好的为市场经济发展服务。 With the rapid economic development in our country and the requirement of establishing a socialist market economic system, our country has resumed its long-awaited notary system. In the current stage of social and economic life, the notarization system in our country and the functions borne by a notary office have already gone far beyond their original single “proof” responsibilities. The original notarial system system, to a large extent, can no longer be adapted to the present Economic situation on the notary business requirements. At present, the notary business has expanded rapidly and has expanded from the initial dozens to the present several hundred kinds. The field has also expanded to include administration, economy, law, civil and commercial affairs, and so on. This article analyzes the functions and the value of the existing notary system and the qualitative aspects of the organization. At the same time, it simply analyzes the nature and notarization scope of the notary public. In particular, it analyzes the existing problems of the current notary system in our country in detail, , The nature of the position, the establishment of compulsory notary system principles, put forward some opinions and suggestions, with a view to establishing a more complete notary system, and better for the development of market economy services.
【正】 山东省夏津县朱庙乡姚寨村靠炒瓜籽走上了富裕路,成为远近闻名的“瓜籽村”。目前,全村200户人家中,从事瓜籽加工的有172户。夏津县不是瓜籽产地,但是精明的姚寨人却
摘要:开展中稻广两优676氮磷钾“3414”肥效试验,结果表明:在试验地条件下施肥效应氮肥>磷肥>钾肥;当N、P2O5、K2O施用量为259、91、183 kg·hm-2时,中稻产量最高为8661 kg·hm-2;当每公顷N、P2O5、K2O施用量为214、75、149 kg·hm-2时中稻经济效益最佳,产量为8570 kg·hm-2。  关键词:中稻 ;3414;肥效  DOI: 1013651